Cary Grant’s Palm Springs Movie Colony Home Is For Sale

Cary Grant’s longtime home in the Palm Springs Movie Colony is for sale and featured this week at Cary Grant House “Cary Grant’s Movie Colony Home” A British subject by birth with the given name of Archibald Alexander Leach, Cary Grant had a miserable childhood. His father was an alcoholic who committed his mother to an institution for chronic depression, telling Grant she was dead. At that point, his father essentially gave him away to a Vaudeville theater troupe at the age of six, with whom he lived and spent many years traveling and performing. When the troupe performed in New York, he fell in love with the city and decided to stay. It was the beginning of a prolific stage career that led to a Hollywood screen test and memorable films including “Notorious,” “An Affair to Remember,” “North by Northwest” and “Charade.” Grant was nominated for two Oscars and five Golden Globe Awards but never won. In 1970, Frank Sinatra presen...