Buy Your Own Two Letter Domain Name: Up for Auction

Attention has been brought to domain names recently with the registration of ABC.XYZ by Google, using the new .XYZ top level domain. This new domain name will be used for its new Alphabet holding company.

The demand for one letter, two letter, and three letter domain names, especially ending in dot com, is very high, because they are short and easy to remember, yet they rarely come on the market and when they do, they are very expensive.

Now a two letter domain is up for sale, PT.COM. Bids are being accepted until 12:00 PM EDT, Friday, October 16, 2015, The minimum amount you can bid is $875,000 and escrow will be handled by More information can be obtained by going to the PT website.

So you would buy this domain? There are a lot of potential buyers. If your initials happened to be PT, it would be a perfect personal domain. Or for a business, it could stand for personal trainer, part-time,  physical therapist, perpetual traveler, permanent tourist, prior taxpayer, previous trillionaire, or any other of a number of options for a website.

What better asset for the billionaire than having your own personal two-letter domain. Let the bidding begin.


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